
Through Hit or Ms., we want to praise, get the word out and encourage our fellow Memphians to dine at must-visit, local spots. And more importantly, we want to influence our local establishments that aren’t especially concerned with elevating the Memphis dining scene to think twiceMemphians love a new restaurant and are always willing to give new eateries a shot, but the restaurants have to keep up their end of the bargain.

That being said, this blog will be a compilation of supportive write-ups, critical reviews, interesting restaurant tidbits, industry news, and perhaps our sister/father/cousin’s signature pierogi recipes.

We aren’t experts and aren’t claiming to be. However, we are local diners with high expectations, foodies that don’t eat to live, but live to eat, restaurant goers that want to support their local economy and encourage the same 1+hour waits at the neighborhood spots that we see at Houston’s.

So visit often, leave comments, let us know what you think and where you want us to review. We look forward to dining and writing for you!

Happy Eating!

Hit Or Ms. Memphis